In the rapidly evolving world of IT, access management has undergone significant transformations. The shift from traditional, always-on access to a more controlled, just-in-time (JIT) access model marks a critical pivot in how businesses handle security in cloud environments.

The Era of Permanent Live Access

Initially, the norm in many organizations was to grant engineers unfettered access to production systems. This open-door policy, while convenient, often led to unintended consequences. Frequent outages and unauthorized configuration changes bypassing CI/CD pipelines were commonplace, highlighting the risks of excessive access.

Deployment processes suffered under this regime. What should have been routine updates turned into operational headaches, fraught with delays and disruptions. Moreover, the lax oversight of direct database modifications led to significant disruptions when well-intentioned changes went awry.

Transition to Just-In-Time Access

The turning point came when the unsustainable cost of unregulated access became clear. The transition to just-in-time access was not merely a policy update; it was a foundational shift towards better security practices and operational efficiency.

This change required a substantial investment in automation technologies and a cultural shift towards trust but verify principles. The deployment processes were streamlined, enabling quicker and more reliable updates with fewer human errors.

Impacts of Just-In-Time Access

The benefits of JIT access were quickly apparent. Enhanced security protocols and improved administrative tools reduced downtime and minimized the risks associated with human error. An audit trail of all changes ensured accountability and transparency, which are crucial in today’s regulatory environment.

Administrative tasks were transformed by better tools that provided both efficiency and oversight, making it easier to manage cloud environments securely and effectively.

Lessons Learned

The journey from permanent live access to just-in-time access provided numerous lessons. Most notably, the importance of automation in enhancing security postures and operational capabilities in cloud environments became evident.

While the transition has dramatically improved security and operational efficiency, it also underscored the ongoing need for innovation in access management.


The evolution from permanent live access to just-in-time access illustrates a broader trend in cloud security—moving towards systems that not only meet current security demands but also anticipate future challenges. As cloud technologies evolve, so too must our strategies to secure them, ensuring that access is not just managed, but optimized for both security and performance.

Need help with securing your Cloud Access? Lets chat:

Andreas Tiefenthaler

Andreas likes security, enabling teams to ship secure products and coffee.